Environmental Lecture at Brgy. II, Silay City 環境講座

01/03/2013 08:49

Yesterday trainees had their environmental lecture at Brgy. II, Silay City for youth. During the lecture, trainees discuss about the good and bad condition of the environment. Also to include the solution on what can we do solve environmental problems. They also shared the existing project of IKAW-AKO Foundation about the rehabilitation of Malisbog Watershed in Brgy. Patag and show photos of Balaring eco-park as one of the successful project of the said foundation. The youth also tour the Japanese trainees to their place. They show their surroundings and the riverbanks in their area.

昨日はシライ市Brgy. Ⅱに住む若者向けに環境講座をしました。日本人学生は良い環境、悪い環境それぞれについて紹介したり、環境問題にどうやってアプローチしたらよいかを、いまIKAW-AKOがPatagで行っているプロジェクトの紹介や、Balaringエコパークの観光地としての成功例も交えて話しました。講座後はフィリピン人の若者たちが地元を案内してくれ、サトウキビを食べたり、川を見せてくれました。






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